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PhD study exploring image based sexual abuse within the LGBTQ community

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A colleague from the University of Birmingham, Ronnie Meechan-Rogers is exploring the impact that Image Based Sexual Abuse also known as Revenge Porn has on the mental health of LGBTQ individuals, as part of his PhD.

The first of its kind examining the harmful impacts this behaviour has on LGBTQ individuals. The very limited literature that has been published in this area identifies that LGBTQ individuals are more likely than their heterosexual peers to be the victims and as yet little is understood about why this is the case or the long term impact this has on well-being.

Ronnie is now collecting data from LGBTQ/LGBTQI individuals within the UK and Internationally.

If you can help Ronnie by sharing his project with your networks, colleagues and students and if you would like to take part in the study, please visit the link below where you can also get in touch with Ronnie.

The study link can be found athttps://www.birmingham.ac.uk/schools/nursing/research/image-based-sexual-abuse-and-the-impact-this-has-on-the-well-being-of-lgbtq-individuals.aspx