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We are launching of our new research project on the phenomenon of discontinuation of transitions, also sometimes referred to as ‘detransition’ or ‘desistance’.  Are you a professional working with trans youth aged between 15 and 25 years Would you like to contribute to the development of knowledge about youth who discontinue their gender transition? We…

Some thoughts on Lesbian and Gay Childhoods
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Some thoughts on Lesbian and Gay Childhoods

Dr Ketki Ranade, author of Growing Up Gay in Urban India – A Critical Psychosocial Perspective In developmental psychology or childhood studies literature, particularly research on childhood and child rights in India, the lesbian, gay or queer child is invisible. There is the normative and universal narrative of childhood – the child within the family…

International Partnership for Queer Youth Resilience – International Student Training Network (ISTN) (PhD and MA)
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International Partnership for Queer Youth Resilience – International Student Training Network (ISTN) (PhD and MA)

Recruitment is now open for the 2nd cohort of INQYR’s International Student Training Network (ISTN)! Potential or current graduate students (Masters or PhD) interested in research with LGBTQ+ youth are eligible to apply. Recruitment is open until June 30, 2020 or until the cohort is full. INQYR is the International Partnership for Queer Youth Resilience, a research partnership between…

LAST CALL for Papers: Social Work and Sexualities Conference, Mumbai 2020 #SWSConf20
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LAST CALL for Papers: Social Work and Sexualities Conference, Mumbai 2020 #SWSConf20

The call for papers for the 3rd International Social Work & Sexualities Conference: Laws, policies, guidelines and gender-sexuality identities, in Mumbai 2020, ends on the 28th February 2020. This is your last chance to submit. Abstracts of 350 words should be submitted via our website:  https://www.sexualityandsocialwork.com/conference/. We are very excited that our next international conference…

Call for contributors to co-write a chapter
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Call for contributors to co-write a chapter

Dr. Susan Hillock, social work professor at Trent University,Peterborough, Ontario, Canada,  is looking for 1 or more Indigenous scholars who would be interested in writing/co-writing a chapter in her new book, Teaching Sexuality(its) in Higher Education. Here is a description of the book content: Focusing on Canadian content and context, this edited multi-disciplinary book features the teaching of sexuality(ies) in…

National LGBTQ+ Youth Homelessness: Research Agenda
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National LGBTQ+ Youth Homelessness: Research Agenda

The National LGBTQ+ Youth Homelessness Research Agenda has been in development for the past 18 months. The project was led by a research team of young people with lived expertise (from NYC, Richmond, Anchorage, and L.A.), with input from service providers and other folks involved in ending youth homelessness in America.  Not only does it…